
With approximately 71,000 volumes, including 2,500 periodical titles, 1,000 reels of microfilm, 7,000 newspaper clippings and an expanding collection of audio & visual materials, the Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library collection is the largest research collection for Hong Kong and Canada-Hong Kong studies outside of Hong Kong. The collection focuses primarily on Hong Kong, Canada-Hong Kong relations, and Hong Kong Canadians.

Art Collections

The Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library received a special donation from Mr. Laurence Tam, the Chief Curator of Hong Kong Museum of Art from 1985 to 1993. The donation consists of over six hundred items of books, historical photos of Hong Kong in
Henry Ho illustration
More than 180 pieces of Henry Ho’s art works have been donated to the Library   by the artist. Ho’s drawings depict major events and figures leading up to 1997   from the 1980s.

Research Guides

This Resource Guide to Chinese Canadian Studies aims at providing users with an introduction to the print, electronic and open access research resources related to Chinese Canadian Studies at U of T and on the open Internet.
This Resource Guide to Hong Kong Studies aims at providing users with an introduction to the print, electronic and open access research resources related to Hong Kong Studies at U of T and on the open Internet.

News Archives

This collection includes the editorials, special columns, translated articles, and news articles of Shing Wah Daily from the 1940s to 1950s.
Newspapers image
Totaling more than half a million frames, the microfilm collection of Hong Kong Newspaper Clippings is dated from 1850’s to 1999. Since 1980’s, the collection covers fifteen Hong Kong Chinese and English newspapers daily, which are fully indexed.

Law Collections

The Hong Kong Basic Law Portal, developed by the Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library at the University of Toronto, serves as an online gateway to Basic Law research materials from major institutions around the world.

Personal Archives

The Vivienne Poy fonds reflect Poy's experiences of family, education, writing and publishing, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and business and community leadership, and how they shaped her public service and public profile.

Historical Collections

University of Toronto Libraries have been actively collecting and preserving digital content on the internet relating to the political movements in Hong Kong since 2014, using Archive-it, the leading web archiving service.
Works by Lee Yee
Jointly with the Hong Kong Studies Initiatives at UBC, the Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong has commenced on the project to digitize works of Mr. Lee Yee.
This collection, consisting of 56 reels of microfilm, provides information on individuals, organizations, buildings, roads, land matters and important events relating to Hong Kong, Macau and China's coastal cities from the mid 19th century onward.
With approximately half a million people of Hong Kong descent residing in the metropolitan regions of Vancouver and Toronto, Canada has one of the strongest Hong Kong communities abroad. Understanding the issues around the handover of Hong Kong’s sovereig