Multi Voices One Heart 2019 排子戲及排子音樂工作坊

Multi Voices One Heart 2019 排子戲及排子音樂工作坊 poster




主辦: 粵聲樂府, 劉永全戲曲音樂研究社(香港)

協辦: 加拿大太平洋承傳中心暨移民博物館協會

講者 Speaker

劉永全先生 粵劇戲曲音樂及唱腔大師

李偉覺先生 著名粵劇音樂家

阮眉女士 粵劇作曲及撰曲家

We are thrilled to invite renowned Cantonese Opera figures Mr. Lau Wing Chuen, Mr. Li Wai Kok, and Ms. Yuen Mei to share their expertise on Cantonese Opera. Those interested in the tradition of Paichangxi, and Paizi tunes will receive an introduction on the subject by Mr. Lau and Mr. Li, and later enjoy a demonstration performance by Ms. Yuen. Afterwards, attendees can look forward to a talk by Ms. Yuen on her experiences in song writing, and a workshop by Mr, Lau on the basics of music composition techniques. This event will be presented in Cantonese.

Fans of Cantonese Opera don’t miss out!